European Court of Human Rights

Cannabis is The Cure, z.s., ID 266 70 232, Tylova 963/2, CZ 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic,  I: + 420 774 723 261 E:

Mr. President Dean Spielman
European Court of Human Rights
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Subject: Application for informartion according to articles 10 and 13 of European Law and articles 10 and 15 European Union Law.

Dear Mr. President,
in advance,  we wish you good health, especially in the day of negotiation of essential matters in  European Parliament in Strasbourg.
We ask you to provide us kindly the information.
We turn to you, as a legal representative of harmed Europeans, who are members of european Cannabis Church and international association Open Royal Academy ( Europe), who are  implementing research „Cannabis is the Cure“ in  Europe.
Tell us, please,
 what other information we should demonstrate to European Court of Human Rights to prove repeating violations of articles nr. 2, 3, 6 and 7 , excluded already stated medical expertises, opinions of forensic experts and without reasoning declined constituional complaint, so European Court on Human Rights may apply article nr. 39 and within urgent judical procedure Czech Republic will be commanded to stop imediately crimes against humanity and to convey prelimary questions to law Court of European Union?
Bellow, we state 9 complaints to European Law Court for Human Rights ( more at
Harmed citizens repeatedly has stated evidences from year 2012, that
1)    Czech Republic since 2004 repeatedly, deliberately and systematicaly violates articels nr. 2 and 3 of European Convention on Human Rights, which was documented by medical doctors on the day  of 11th May 2011 and also by medical doctor – juridical examiner. Police was forbidden to investigate the evidence of crimes agains humanity by law courts on all levels and also by judicial prosecution on all levels. Those crimes against Human Rights has been repeatedly documented to European Court of Human Rights and it is stated in czech language here:, here and here

2)    Czech Republic since 2004 repeatedly, conciously and systematically violates decision of European parliament from 7th of December 2004 articles nr. A6-0067/2004 and refuses, in contradiction to articles nr. 6 and 7 European Convention on Human Rights and article nr. 34 and 267 of Treaty on functioning of European Union to raise preliminary questions to Law Court of European Union, evidence here According to decision of High Court of Czech Republic Nr. 8Tdo 1231/2011 and repeatedly deliberatedly mistakenly approved  decision of Constitutional Court of CZ Czech Republic is not obliged to announce change of technical  regulations to produce medicines from cannabis. Acording to Czech republic Cannabis is precursor to production drugs, which is eliminated by european jurisprudence and  forensic expertise of Palacky University in Olomouc since 10th of August 2015, evidence here

Thank you for you interest and information,  

Dušan Dvořák, MMCA
Chairman of the Board and Head of Research

The number of complaints research “Cannabis is The Cure” vers. Czech Republic (2012 -2015) sent to the EuropeanCourt of Human Rights: 66981/12, 1332/13/ 79490/13, 20049/14, 41264/14, 47921/2014, 57969/2015.
The number of complaints research “Cannabis is The Cure” vers. Czech Republic (2012 - 2015)sent to the EuropeanCommission: (CHAP (2012) 00282 a CHAP (2014) 03930.
The number of complaints research “Cannabis is The Cure” vers. Czech Republic (2012 - 2015) sent to the Constitutional Court of CZ: II. ÚS 664/12, IV. ÚS 4859/12, II.ÚS 1311/13, III. ÚS 34/13, II. ÚS 289/14, I. ÚS 2431/15).
Request for information to European Court of Human Rights is in accordance with Law of European Union: Request for information submitted in accordance with the Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, in accordance with article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in accordance with article 42 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, article 10 paragraph 3and article 11 of the Treaty on European Union.